The best help when you really need it.

You can speak with a doctor, therapist, or medical expert using your phone or computer from wherever you are

states in Nigeria
Operating In 0 +
Over 0
primary and preventive care
Over 0

Book Quick Appointments, No Account Needed!

If you prefer a quick appointment without creating an account, we’ve got you covered!

What we offer

Phythealth is a digital healthcare platform that offers comprehensive and complete access to primary care, preventive care and maintenance healthcare services. Our very convenient, easy and affordable healthcare system allows individual, families, groups and businesses to use our multiple appointment options for quick access to healthcare services.

We deliver services through virtual, home appointment and in-facility option.

Our virtual appointment allows you to access and engage our services virtually through your device. Our physical home appointment is an appointment option that allows you to have our Care team visiting your home to provide you with your chosen health care service. You can also enjoy our service delivery through our in-facility option. We deliver through collaborating facilities across our operating states in Nigeria.


Career Care

HealthVest Care

DriveGuard Care

Enjoy health maintenance at its peak

Initial Assessment

We provide a free initial assessment to help you ascertain which of our services you should subscribe to after which you can now enjoy a full monthly coverage when you subscribe to any of our Healthcare plans.


Enjoy multiple appointment options that allows you quick access to certified and experience Healthcare professionals and wellness providers


With a flexible monthly plan, we create a new world of cost affordability that allows you access to excellent Health  care


View your health records on the go and increase your patient engagement by accessing your patient login portal at anytime and anywhere


Enjoy the feeling of having a personal care assistant who is available 24/7 to listen and respond to all your inquiries while also providing you with the best support and feedbacks.

Our Service Hours



Mon-Sun (6 am-6pm)

Home Appointment

Mon-Sat (7am-7pm)

In-facility Appointment

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